The Pathway to Destruction

Like youI’ve seen friends and acquaintances throw their lives away. The causes for anyone’s destruction are many. However, the pathway to destruction is singular and can be described with three words, all beginning with the letter D.

It starts with deception, often self-deception. This step is followed by division, usually dividing ourselves off from spouses and friends, who can help us see the error of our ways. It also involves dividing ourselves from God’s truth.

Finally, if our error persists, destruction occurs— broken relationships, financial ruin, physical injury, death— the list is long.

The destructive pathway is as old as Adam and Eve, who also started with deception: The serpent questions God’s command not to eat from the forbidden tree. If you eat from the tree, he tells Eve with forked tongue, you will not die but will become like God. Gen. 3: 1-4.

The next step of division occurred immediately. Adam and Eve hid from God. Gen. 3: 8. What if they had gone to God beforehand and asked Him for guidance concerning the devil’s claims? He was readily available for consultation and is today.

 Their final step of destruction was the loss of everlasting life in paradise and becoming subject to death in a world of toil and suffering. Gen. 3: 16-24.

The pathway to destruction is as old as mankind, and its most critical step is the first one: deception. Seek God’s truth to avoid it and stay off the pathway altogether.


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